We welcome dancers of all ages and experiences to come and see what Generation Dance has to offer.

Here at Generation Dance our goal is to provide an environment where students can learn, have fun, and build self-esteem and confidence, not only in the dance classroom, but in life.


A Sincere Thank you....

115 East Main Avenue, Myerstown, PA,

717.628.1667 • generationdancellc@gmail.com

Copyright 2015. Generation Dance, LLC.. All rights reserved.

Website Designed by The Artist's Webb

What does one say to express gratitude to students, family, friends, and colleagues? Thank you feels so simple, however the integrity of those words is undeniable. So, with absolute sincerity and humility, I give thanks to everyone!

To our smiling students who walk through the front door every week, anxious to dance, and ready to cultivate their talents....I wish you a breathtaking performance! One you will remember for a lifetime!

All of our dancers are blessed to have parents, grandparents, and friends who made it possible for them to get to classes. Busy families, carving out time to support their children and the love they have for dance. Many have volunteered backstage as dressers and stage crew. This has truly been a community effort! Thank you!

With love in Christ

~ Jennifer Firestine 

Owner, Tap, Jazz and Hip Hop Instructor